So I have a habit of buying little things for myself when I am under stress. (READ: I recklessly spend money throughout the entire second half of any given semester.)
Anyway, I wanted to share my most recent etsy purchases! All of these items are handmade, inexpensive, and totally worth it.
I smiled so much when my mailman gave me this hand-decorate envelope! So precious!
So... I've got a confession: I'm a terrible photographer. Like, really terrible. So I hope you'll go see this gorgeous
pocket mirror and
postcard in Yee Von's shop, because I could just not do them any justice. (That little deer is the back of a hand-written note from Yee Von - so beautiful.)
This is the first story in the book. As soon as I got my package in the mail, I sat down and read this hand-made book cover-to-cover. It contains a mixture of beautiful and absolutely hilarious stories and poems, all of which I highly recommend! I didn't want to give anything away by posting photos, but this book is filled with some absolutely stunning illustrations that are not to be missed!
I have had this necklace for a few weeks now and it has quickly become one of my favorite necklaces! I am completely enamored with the delicate little bird and it looks good with everything! I got the
tiny version, because I like small jewelry, but there is a
larger version with this design as well.
Now, I was tagged by the lovely
Vanilla, so here are 7 things you probably don't want to know about me...
1. I am going to school to be a children's librarian.
2. I drink way too much tea (as in 5 cups a day is a "slow day" for me).
3. My favorite charity is the World Wildlife Fund.
4. Rice noodles are delicious.
5. I love dolls, too! Pinky St and J-Dolls are my current favorites. I have too many, I don't know how my fiance lives with me.
6. I haven't been getting any homework done because I've been playing
this game on my ipod.
7. I'm a Taylor Swift fan. Like, not even a closet Taylor Swift fan. It's bad.