Monday, July 26, 2010

Snapshots of Summer

 So far, this summer has been fabulous.There have been a lot of trips to see family and a lot of birthdays! My new baby cousin was born just a few days ago, and is absolutely gorgeous.

Anyway, here are a few of my favorite pictures from the last few weeks...

The sky right by Lake Ontario, where my grandmother lives. More specifically, this is at The Loop, and I was eating my favorite fried mushrooms at the time.

One of my favorite trees, from my grandmother's yard. My parents were married under it.

At Lake George...

And... new reading glasses for my birthday! It might not seem like reading glasses are a huge deal, but since I spend 90% of my free time reading, writing, or drawing, I spend a lot of time in these babies.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Friday, July 2, 2010

Lady in Miniature No. 1

Experimenting with smaller pieces... 2.5x3.5"
There's a little bit of pink in this, but the scan didn't pick it up very well.