I swear I can come up with anything under the sun to avoid doing homework... including carving stamps into old kiddie erasers!

While my initial intention was to push off an essay, I really do miss being in a printmaking class, and after seeing
Mall's beautiful stamps that are made out of simple erasers, I realized that relief printmaking really isn't so far out of my reach. So I dug through my drawers to find whatever erasers I could (I could only find rainbow colored ones, but hey, they work), and grabbed my Speedball carving tool and got to it! This probably took me ten minutes - sloppy, but I'm out of practice and this eraser is REALLY soft, so the parts kept moving as I was trying to carve. Over all, though, I think the rustic (aka "butchered") look is charming!
I don't have any stamping ink right now, so I inked this baby with a nice juicy marker!
Humz... is anyone else feeling like that handle is looking more like a tea bag? Oh, well... it can be whatever you want it to be!
Also, you can buy
Mall's absolutely charming handmade stamps at her etsy store,